Barrie Foster & Associates bring a wealth of experience and a sound appreciation of the complexity of strategic relationships to every commission. No element of the tourism product exists in isolation. Tourism is an important component of integrated economic development, with linkages to virtually every other aspect of economic activity. Tourism destinations compete in a local, national and global environment. Individual businesses are part of a patchwork of complementary tourism and leisure provision. All of this is underpinned and supported by a complicated infrastructure of transport, information, marketing and training. And every element of tourism is affected by the passing of time: changing trends, changing economic and political conditions, emerging products and emergent markets.
At whatever level and whatever the objective, breadth of strategic vision is essential to the delivery of realistic and creative solutions. Without strategic vision sustainable projects, imaginative products, identification and penetration of markets and achievable action plans depend more upon luck than professional judgement. Barrie Foster has a proven track record as a strategist and works with leading specialist associates to provide a multi-disciplinary approach whenever and wherever it is appropriate.
Barrie Foster & Associates bring a wealth of experience and a sound appreciation of the complexity of strategic relationships to every commission. No element of the tourism product exists in isolation. Tourism is an important component of integrated economic development, with linkages to virtually every other aspect of economic activity. Tourism destinations compete in a local, national and global environment. Individual businesses are part of a patchwork of complementary tourism and leisure provision. All of this is underpinned and supported by a complicated infrastructure of transport, information, marketing and training. And every element of tourism is affected by the passing of time: changing trends, changing economic and political conditions, emerging products and emergent markets.
At whatever level and whatever the objective, breadth of strategic vision is essential to the delivery of realistic and creative solutions. Without strategic vision sustainable projects, imaginative products, identification and penetration of markets and achievable action plans depend more upon luck than professional judgement. Barrie Foster has a proven track record as a strategist and works with leading specialist associates to provide a multi-disciplinary approach whenever and wherever it is appropriate.
A significant proportion of our work has involved us in European Union programmes. We have produced strategic development and marketing plans in support of successful funding bids and, on the other hand, assisted in the fulfilment of projects or delivery of projects funded by Objective 5b, CONVER, INTERREG, Objective 1 and others.
Through the pages of this web site you will gain an insight into our overall working philosophy and the methodologies we employ in the various areas of our professional activity. We have also provided a representative snapshot of some of our most significant projects.
Through the pages of this web site you will gain an insight into our overall working philosophy and the methodologies we employ in the various areas of our professional activity. We have also provided a representative snapshot of some of our most significant projects.